{System root}\system32
Displays a list of the installed drivers, types and dates.
driverquery [/s computer] [/u domain\user /p password]
[/fo {table | list | csv}] [/nh] [/v | /si]
No parameters: Provides a list of drivers with the credentials of
the logged in user.
[/s computer]: Get a list of the drivers installed on ‘computer’.
Do not use UNC notation - only the system name.
[/u domain\user /p password]: Use the user name specified
by /u domain\user and password specified by /p password to
run the command. Omitting this switch uses the credentials of
the currently logged in user.
[/fo {table | list | csv}]: Change the way that the output information
is displayed. Use table to show the results in tabular form, list
to show a list with one piece of information per line and csv to
display the results in a format that can be imported into Excel.
[/nh]: Specifies that column header should not display.
[/v]: Verbose
[/si]: Information about signed drivers.
{System root}\system32
Creates a custom event in the event log.
eventcreate [/s computer [/u domain\user [/p password]]
{[/l {application | system}] | [/so source]} /t {error |
information | warning } /id eventID /d description
[/s computer]: The name or IP address of the system to which
the event should be recorded.
[/u domain\user /p password]: Use the user name specified
by /u domain\user and password specified by /p password to
run the command. Omitting this switch uses the credentials of
the currently logged in user. Used only with the /s parameter.
[/l {application | system}]: The event log to which the event
should be written.
[/so source]: The source to use for the event. Can be any
application or component.
/t {error | information | warning }: The type of event to create.
/id eventide: Any number between 1 and 1000. Used to
identify the event.
/d description: The description of the event.
{System root}\system32
Exports performance counter logs into other formats for easy
import into other programs.
relog [file [file ...]] [-a] [-c path [path ...]] [-cf file]
[-b date [time]] [-e date [time]] [-f {bin | csv | tsv | SQL}]
[-o {outputFile | DSN!CounterLog}] [-t value] [-config
{file | i}] [-q]
[file [file ...]]: A list of path names/files to performance
counter logs.
[-a]: Append information to the output file rather than overwrite it.
[-c path [path ...]]: A list of performance counter paths to log,
each enclosed in quotes and separated by spaces.
[-cf file]: A file containing the performance log counters that
should be included in the relog output. By default all counters
are included.
[-b date [time]]: The time of the first record to relog in
M/D/YYYY HH:MM:SS format.
[-e date [time]]: The time of the last record to relog in
M/D/YYYY HH:MM:SS format.
[-f {bin | csv | tsv | SQL}]: Specifies the format of the output
file. Csv is comma delimited, tsv is tab delimited and bin is
[-o {outputFile | DSN!CounterLog}]: The output file name to
which the relog data will be written. For SQL output, specify
a DSN.
[-t value]: Allows a smaller subset of records by taking a
sample of every x records where x is the value in -t.
[-config {file | i}]: A config file containing the command line
parameters to use.
[-q]: Displays performance counters and times of the log files
specified in the input file.
{System root}\system32
Allows a program to be run within the context of a different user.
runas [/env] [/netonly] [/profile | /noprofile] [/savedcreds]
[/smartcard] [/showtrustlevels] [/trustlevel]
/user:username program
[/env]: Uses the current network environment rather than the
user’s local environment.
[/netonly]: The information provided is for remote access only.
[/profile | /noprofile]: /profile will load the user’s profile and is
the default behavior. Specify /noprofile to avoid loading the
user’s profile.
[/savedcreds]: Use this switch if the user’s credentials have
been previously saved.
[/smartcard]: Use this switch if credentials will be supplied
from a smart card.
[/showtrustlevels]: Shows the available trustlevel options.
[/trustlevel]: The level of authorization for which the program
will run.
/user:username: The account under which the application
should run in domain\user format.
Program: The program to run.
{System root}\system32
Shuts down or restarts the local machine or a remote system.
shutdown [/i | /a | /l | /s | /r | /p | /h | /e] [/f] [/m \\computer]
[/t seconds] [/d [p:] major:minor [/c "comment"]]
[/i | /a | /l | /s | /r | /p | /h | /e]: The shutdown or restart method
- each described below.
[/i]: Must be the first parameter if used. Displays a shutdown
dialog box on the remote system.
[/a]: If within the shutdown timeout period, the shutdown is
canceled. Can only be used with the /m switch.
[/l]: Logs the currently logged in user off the system with no
warning. This switch cannot be used with /m or /t.
[/s]: Shuts down the specified system or the local system if
none is specified.
[/r]: Restarts the specified system.
[/p]: Local system only: Immediately shuts down the system
with no warning.
[/h]: Places the specified system into hibernation.
[/e]: Allows documentation for the reason for the shutdown.
[/f]: Closes running applications without warning.
[/m \\computer]: The computer to be shut down. When
omitted, the local system is assumed.
[/t seconds]: The number of seconds to wait before shutting
down. The default is 30 seconds, but can range from 0 to 600
[/d [p:] major:minor [/c "comment"]]: Provides a reason for
the shutdown. p: indicates that the shutdown is planned.
Major is the major reason — a number from 0 to 255 and
minor is the minor reason, a number from 0 to 65535.
{System root}\system32
Provides detailed information about the system specified
including OS, security information, RAM, disk properties, etc.
systeminfo [/fo {table | list | csv}] [/nh] [/s computer
[/u domain\user [/p password]]]
[/fo {table | list | csv}]: Change the way that the output
information is displayed. Use table to show the results in
tabular form, list to show a list with one piece of information
per line and csv to display the results in a format that can be
imported into Excel.
[/nh]: For table and csv output suppress column headers.
[/s computer [/u domain\user [/p password]]]: /s specifies
the name or address of a remote computer for which to get
information while /u and /p specify a username and password
combination to use to log on to the system.
{System root}\system32
Kills a task or process.
taskkill [/s computer] [/u domain\user [/p password]]
{/fi filter [{/pid process | /im image}] | /pid process |
/im image} [/f] [/t]
[/s computer]: The name of the computer which has the task
that needs to be killed.
[/u domain\user [/p password]]: Use the credentials specified
to run the command. When omitted, runs as the logged in user.
{/fi filter}: The type of processes to include in the command.
[{/pid process | /im image}]: /pid is the process ID of the
process to kill while /im indicates the name of the process to
kill. Use * to specify all image names.
[/f]: Forcefully terminate the process.
[/t]: Kill child processes of the killed process.
{System root}\system32
Displays the tasks running on the specified machine.
tasklist [/s computer] [/u domain\user [/p password]]
[{/m module | /svc | /v}] [/fo {table | list | csv}] [/nh]
[/fi filter [/fi filter2 [ ... ]]]
[/s computer]: The name of the computer which has the task
that needs to be killed.
[/u domain\user [/p password]]: Use the credentials specified
to run the command.When omitted, runs as the logged in user.
[/m module]: Displays tasks with DLL modules matching the
pattern provided.
[/svc]: Displays service information for each process.
[/v]: Verbose. Display full details of the adapter and transport.
[/fo {table | list | csv}]: Change the way that the output
information is displayed. Use table to show the results in
tabular form, list to show a list with one piece of information
per line and csv to display the results in a format that can be
imported into Excel.
[/nh]: When using table or CSV output, disables headers from
being displayed.
[/fi filter [/fi filter2 [ ... ]]]: The types of processes to include in
the command.
{System root}\system32
Show or modify the state of encryption on files and folders.
No parameters: Shows the encryption status of every file in the
current directory.
cipher [/d | /e] [/s:directory] [/a] [/i] [/f] [/q] [/h]
[pathname [...]]
/d: Decrypts the specified folder.
/e: Encrypts the specified folder marking it such that all files
added to the folder are also encrypted.
/s:directory: Recurses the /d or /e operation into all subfolders
of the specified directory.
/a: Performs the operation on both files and folders.
/f: Forces the operation on all objects.
/h: Displays files with attributes of system or hidden. These
files are not encrypted.
/I: Continues the operation even if errors are encountered.
/q: Reports only critical information during the operation.
cipher /k
/k: Creates a new encryption key for the current user. All other
options are ignored.
cipher /r:path+filename
/r:path+filename: Generates a new recovery agent certificate
and stores it in the path+filename specified.
cipher /u /n
Updates the encryption key for the user or recovery agent to
the current ones for all encrypted files and folders on the drive
and prevents the key from being updated. /u and /n need to be
used together.
cipher /w:path
/w:path: Removes data on unused portion of the volume
specified by the path.
cipher /x[:encrypted file] [filename]
Identifies certificates and keys for the currently logged in user
and backs them up to the location specified by filename. If the
encrypted file is included, the certificate used to encrypt it will
also be backed up.
{System root}\system32
Manages the compression of files and folders on an NTFS
No parameters: displays the compression parameters for the
current folder.
compact [/c | /u] [/a] [/f] [/i] [/q] [/s[:directory]] [targetname[...]]
/c: Compress the files or folders specified.
/u: Uncompress the files or folders specified.
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